The Ecstasy of the Privileged Moment
Between 2001 and 2010, I lead transdisciplinary art laboratories between Montreal, Havana and then Morocco. These lab sessions* are entitled The Ecstasy of the Privileged Moment, for they contributed to develop experiential knowing through an embodiment of transcultural boundaries, with a sensory focus on the notions of immateriality and the gift**.
These labs are ignited by privileged encounters, through a series of collaborations situated at the crossroads of real-time soundscape permutations and processing, video embodiment of architectural spaces and performances. The projects evolved from a relational aisthesis to a sensory anthropology perspective, according to the countries where the process evolved.
Nuit Blanche Montréal (2010); Research and Creation Artist in Residence, Gésù – Centre de créativité (2007); 100 ans de Rimbaud, Castello di Rivara – Turin Center for Contemporary Art (2005); Mois Multi Vasistas / Théâtre La Chappelle (2004); Festival Internacional de Música Electroacústica “Primavera en La Habana,” in collaboration with the Museo Nacional de Bella Arte de La Habana (2004).
*With the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.
** Roger Sansi, Art, Anthropology and the Gift, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015.